Night Guards

What are night guards?

Night guards are custom-fitted dental devices worn over the teeth at night to protect against grinding, clenching, and other harmful oral habits.

What do night guards help with?

These guards are designed to help alleviate symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, headaches, tooth wear, and damage, as well as improve sleep quality. The first benefit of wearing a night guard is reducing the effects of TMJ disorder. This condition is caused by the grinding and clenching of the teeth, which places excessive pressure on the temporomandibular joint and can lead to jaw pain, headaches, and earaches.

Advantages of wearing a Night Guard

Night guards act as a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, reducing the force of the grinding and clenching, and thus, alleviating the symptoms of TMJ.

Another advantage of night guards is their ability to protect the teeth from wear and damage caused by grinding and clenching. These oral habits can cause the teeth to crack, chip, or wear down over time, leading to more extensive dental problems down the line. Night guards serve as a cushion for the teeth, distributing the pressure evenly and reducing the risk of tooth damage.

Night Guards can improve the quality of sleep

Wearing a night guard can improve the quality of sleep by reducing the discomfort caused by grinding and clenching. These habits can cause a person to wake up feeling fatigued, with a headache or sore jaw. Night guards reduce the grinding and clenching, allowing the person to sleep more peacefully and wake up feeling refreshed. Night guards are an effective and non-invasive solution for managing TMJ pain, headaches, tooth wear and damage, and improving sleep. They are custom-fitted to each person’s mouth and can provide long-lasting relief from the symptoms of oral habits that cause discomfort and dental problems.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, let’s talk about getting a night guard to protect your teeth and improve your overall well-being.

Improve your quality of sleep and protect your teeth at night with Goehring Dental

Give us a call at (512) 892-8822 or contact us today by filling out the form below. We at Goehring Dental in South Austin, TX would be happy to discuss your treatment options. With the right protection, you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile for years to come.


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