Common Dental Problems for Special Needs Patients

Individuals with special needs, such as Down syndrome, may encounter specific dental challenges that require specialized care. Dr. Goehring and his team are experienced in providing tailored solutions to address common dental problems.

Delayed Tooth Eruption

Children with Down syndrome may experience delayed tooth eruption, making it essential for our team to monitor their dental development closely. Early intervention can prevent potential issues.


Misalignment of the teeth, known as malocclusion, is common among individuals with special needs. Dr. Goehring can recommend orthodontic solutions to improve their bite and overall oral health.

Gum Disease

People with special needs are more susceptible to gum disease due to compromised immune systems. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are crucial to prevent gum problems.


Teeth grinding or bruxism is prevalent among individuals with special needs. Dr. Goehring can provide mouthguards to protect teeth and reduce the impact of bruxism.

Dental Sensitivity

Some individuals with special needs and certain disabilities may experience dental sensitivity, requiring gentle dental care and desensitization techniques.

Oral Hygiene Challenges

Patients with limited motor skills might face challenges in maintaining proper oral hygiene. Our team educates both patients and caregivers on effective oral care techniques.

Dietary Concerns

Dietary habits can affect oral health. Dr. Goehring provides guidance on a balanced diet to support overall dental well-being.

Dental Anxiety

Individuals with mental disabilities might experience heightened dental anxiety. Our team employs communication strategies and sedation dentistry options to create a calming environment.

Communication Barriers

Patients with communication challenges may find dental visits stressful. These challenges might be due to physical traits such as overly large tongues or emotional problems like enhanced anxiety. Dr. Goehring and our team use visual aids and clear communication to ensure understanding and cooperation.

Small and Missing Teeth

Dental anomalies, such as small or missing teeth, can be common among individuals with special needs. Dr. Goehring and our dentists at Goehring Dental offer various dental restorations including, dental implants, full and partial dentures, and dental bridges, to address these issues effectively.

A Caring Smile for Every Individual

At Goehring Dental in South Austin, we believe that every individual deserves compassionate dental care. We are committed to making dental visits a positive experience for those with special requirements, so they can comfortably enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile.

If you or a loved one is seeking dental care that’s tailored to special needs, look no further than Goehring Dental. Schedule an appointment by calling (512) 892-8822 or contact us online by filling out the form below. Our experienced team is here to provide exceptional care to special patients in Austin and surrounding cities such as Buda, Cedar Park, Dripping Springs, Kyle, Lockhart, Lakeway, San Marcos, and Round Rock, TX.


Teeth Whitening in Austin, TX


Tips for Loved Ones with Special Needs: Caring for Their Smile with Goehring Dental