Top 5 Reasons Teeth Stain

There are a number of reasons teeth can become discolored or yellowed, such as age, smoking, drinking, and genetics.

In no particular order, stained teeth can also be a result of:

  1. Certain medications

  2. Blueberries and other dark berries

  3. Red or white wine

  4. Coffee, soda, and tea

  5. Smoking or use of tobacco products

Revitalize Your Smile at Goehring Dental

At Goehring Dental, our team will help you achieve a smile that brightens up the room. To learn more about our whitening treatments, give us a call at (512) 892-8822 or contact us below and we’ll explain the many benefits in detail.


SWEEPS® Laser Root Canal Therapy


Benefits of Root Canal Therapy