What to Eat and What to Avoid Eating With Invisalign Aligners

Are you wondering what foods you CAN and CANNOT eat with your Invisalign aligners?

Great question! We’ve got some good news for you. Unlike traditional braces, which restrict what you can eat, Invisalign aligners offer much more dietary freedom.

Invisalign Aligners Offer More Freedom than Traditional Braces

Since Invisalign aligners can (and should) be removed when eating meals and snacks, you can enjoy most of your favorite foods without worrying about the restrictions that come with traditional braces.

What Foods and Drinks Can You Enjoy With Invisalign Aligners?

The short answer: almost anything, as long as you take your aligners out! However, for optimal oral health and to keep your aligners in great condition, we recommend sticking to foods and drinks that are gentle on your teeth and won't damage your aligners.

  • Soft Fruits and Vegetables: Apples (cut into slices), bananas, berries, steamed veggies, etc.

  • Proteins and Dairy: Lean meats, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt.

  • Grains and Starches: Whole grain bread, pasta, rice, oatmeal.

  • Healthy Drinks: Water, herbal teas, and any drink that’s not sugary or staining.

And remember, for best care practices we recommend brushing and flossing after meals to remove food particles before putting aligners back in.

What Foods Should You Avoid While Wearing Your Invisalign Aligners?

While your aligners are in, there are certain foods and drinks you should avoid to keep your teeth healthy and your aligners in top shape:

  • Sticky and Chewy Foods: Avoid things like caramel, gum, and chewy candies. These can cling to your teeth and aligners, making cleaning difficult and potentially damaging the aligners.

  • Sugary Foods and Drinks: Sweets and sugary drinks can cause tooth decay, especially if food particles get trapped in your aligners. If you indulge, make sure to clean your teeth thoroughly before putting the aligners back in.

  • Staining Foods and Drinks: Dark drinks like coffee, tea, red wine, and foods with dark sauces can stain both your teeth and aligners. It’s best to limit these or brush immediately after consuming them.

Learn more about our best practices and care for your Invisalign aligners here…

In conclusion, you don’t have as many restrictions as you would with traditional braces. The rule of thumb is to remove your Invisalign aligners before eating, avoid harmful foods, and maintain proper hygiene to achieve the best results and that beautiful confident smile!

Say goodbye to crooked teeth, and hello to a beautiful confident smile!

Give us a call at (512) 892-8822 or contact us by filling out the form below. Schedule your Invisalign consultation now with Goehring Dental in South Austin, TX.


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