What to Expect with Invisalign®: A Step-by-Step Guide

Thinking of getting Invisalign? 

The whole process is easier than what you might think!

At Goehring Dental in South Austin, TX we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Here’s a simple breakdown of what you can expect throughout your Invisalign journey.

1. Schedule an Invisalign Consultation

Your Invisalign journey starts by contacting us to schedule a consultation and a visit to our office, where we’ll:

  • Assess Your Smile: We’ll take a close look at your teeth to determine if Invisalign is right for you.

  • Discuss Your Goals: Have any questions about how Invisalign works, costs, or treatment time? This is the perfect time to ask Dr. JoElla! We’ll make sure you have all the information you need before moving forward.

  • Create a 3D Model of Your Teeth: Using our advanced 3D scanning technology, we’ll capture a digital impression of your teeth. 

2. Treatment Plan and ClinCheck Appointment

Once Dr. JoElla has had a chance to review your digital models and consult Invisalign we bring you back in to show you the results: 

  • Customize Your Treatment Plan: Based on the scan, we’ll design a treatment plan that gradually moves your teeth into their ideal position. At this appointment we’ll show you a preview of your expected future smile! 

3. Receiving + Wearing Your Invisalign Aligners

Once your treatment plan is approved:

  • Manufacturing Begins: Your custom aligners are crafted with precision just for you! This typically takes a few weeks.

  • First Fitting: When your aligners are ready, we’ll make sure they fit perfectly and give you detailed instructions on how to wear and care for them.

Now for the day-to-day:

  • Daily Routine: You’ll wear your aligners for about 20-22 hours a day and you’ll need to take them out for eating, drinking (except water), brushing, and flossing.

  • Switching Aligners: About every 1-2 weeks, you’ll move on to the next set of aligners as your teeth gradually shift into place.

4. Regular Check-Ups

We’ll see you every 4-5 weeks to monitor your progress and make adjustments if needed. These visits help ensure your treatment is going smoothly! If your teeth aren’t moving as expected, we can tweak the Invisalign treatment plan to keep you on track.

5. Completing Your Treatment Plan

Once you’ve worked through all your aligners, we’ll make refinements if needed and celebrate that new beautiful smile! Sometimes, a few extra aligners are needed to perfect your smile. 

6. Maintaining Your New Smile

To keep your teeth in their new positions, you’ll need to wear a retainer. We’ll provide you with a customized retainer tailored to your new smile and guide you on how often to wear it to ensure lasting results!

7. Follow-Up Care

Even after treatment, we’ll want to see you from time to time to ensure your smile stays in tip-top shape!

Here at Goehring Dental, we’re committed to making the Invisalign process smooth, comfortable, and effective for you. Ready to start your journey to a straighter smile? Contact us today to schedule your Invisalign consultation!

Straighten your smile effortlessly with Goehring Dental

If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional braces, give us a call at (512) 892-8822 or contact us by filling out the form below. We at Goehring Dental in South Austin, TX would be happy to discuss the options of Invisalign.


Caring for Your Invisalign® Aligners: Tips for Keeping Them Clean and Clear


What to Eat and What to Avoid Eating With Invisalign Aligners